About me - How it all started

Barbara Korshunova: kreativer Detail-Freak, Teamplayerin und ein kleiner Nerd
Hello my dears and welcome to our first blogpost from Bubble Events!
Bubble Events was founded in 2020, where I, Barbara, found the perfect opportunity to fulfill my childhood dream - to open my own event agency! With all the time and uncertainty we suddenly had due to COVID-19 and Lockdown, I just thought to myself ''if not now, then when?".

Since a young age, in school and during my studies (BA, Business and Management), I started to dabble in the hospitality industry and gradually started to gain experience in different areas - gastro course completed, I was a waitress in various restaurants, then hostess in many hotels and worked closely with event managers (eg. Manpower, anyact, Hilton Hotel, Schutzhaus am Schafberg, Aperol, etc ...). I was already fascinated by everything about events, so out of curiosity I tried to participate or work at different events - no matter if it was a wedding, a fair, a company party or a festival - I was very interested in the organization, planning and creativity behind it. The more I learned the more I wanted to dive into the event world - I just wanted to do events! Naturally, I also worked on very cool events as a volunteer, like Life Ball, Pioneers Festival and Eurovision.
Pioneers 18
Pioneers 18
Once I finished my Master's degree (MA, International Business and Management), it was finally time for me to find a full-time job. I was very happy when I started at Pioneers Festival as a Volunteer Coordinator - one of the biggest tech startup festivals in Europe at the time - where I slowly worked my way up to a Sales & Partnership Manager!

When I reached my learning peak there, I decided to do another Master's degree, this time with focus in Event Management, Marketing & Communications. During that time I was also working at Moody Monkey, where I was able to learn a lot in Event Marketing. There I had the incredible opportunity to work with big brands like Campari, Aperol and Averna, which was pretty exciting!

Shortly after that, unfortunately, came the COVID-19 crisis, but I didn't let that deter me and started building bubble events in full swing!

Along the way I also decided to join the latest trend on the market and organize 'Digital & Hybrid Events' - I became a team member of the Brutkasten where I learn about the latest technologies, marketing tools and event concepts.

Of course my heart beats, but still for Bubble Events, which I plan to grow up for you and with you together!

Why Bubble Events?

I founded Bubble Events not only because I enjoy organizing and planning, but also because I have seen from a lot of research, experience and inspiration that most event agencies in Austria (Vienna) are unfortunately very 08/15 and not up-to-date with the latest trends. Nothing against classic event agencies - we all need them and I have learned a lot - but I would just like to offer something different and bring ideas to Austria that exist in America, Italy or Spain.

Also, after more than 10 years of experience in event management, I am very happy that I have built up a very large network in gastronomy - I had the opportunity to connect with the coolest people and businesses in Vienna and therefore have access to the best service providers. Of course, this is also an ongoing process, but that's what I enjoy doing - researching the latest trends, finding the newest hypes and getting to know the coolest people with whom I can do great collaborations!

The goal of our blog is to share with you all our knowledge, heart and passion <3

As I mentioned before, I have years of experience in every corner of gastronomy and events! And, of course, we are also constantly researching the latest trends and hypes that happen around the world in events.
We have now decided to share these wonderful ideas and experiences with you - we want to become the go-to platform where brides & grooms, individuals or companies, gather info for their event or get inspired!

Here you will learn everything about event conception, kick-off, ideas, planning and everything possible :)

We hope that you will find helpful information here and also look forward to your feedback! If you have a specific request or topic for a blogpost, you can write us and we will do our best to implement it!

With love,

Your Bubble Events Team <3
Let this journey begin!