WeDress Collective I Frankfurt
The girls gave interesting as well as deep insights into their own business stories "The beauty and the ugly female entrepreneurship".
Yet another successful gathering of amazing superwomen, who met to discuss, share and learn about an important topic.
@sevincyerli founded her fashion label Chili Bang Bang Fashion in 2014 and was able to gain special experience in marketing and sales through the development of her brand.
@iamjasminpaola is the founder of
@wedresscollective, the place for an ever-growing collective wardrobe, which offers its community the community to securely borrow and rent high-quality garments from each other rent.
#taunusturm♡ CATERING
@beetsandroots ♡ CUPCAKES ♡ PHOTOGRAPHY
@photo_wieser ♡ WINE
@weingut_robert_weil ♡ LOVE